June 12, 2012

Oklahoma A.G. Warns of Ticket Scams

Per The Oklahoman, Attorney General Scott Pruitt issued a warning Tuesday to fans purchasing tickets to NBA Finals games and other popular events.

“Major events like the NBA Finals bring an increased risk of fraud and scams involving fake tickets,” Pruitt said. “We want everyone to enjoy the events and their time in Oklahoma City and not become a victim of fraud.”

Tips from the A.G.

* Do some research – know the price of tickets and be familiar with the seating chart;

* Only purchase from reputable sources;

* Ask to see the seller's original invoice from when the tickets were purchased;

* Try to meet the seller in person in a public place during the day;

* If you are purchasing online, use either a credit card or a PayPal account, both offer some protection if tickets are fake;

* Don't send cash or wire money to someone you don't know;

* Never be afraid to ask questions or request information.

To report suspected fraud or scams, contact the AG's Public Protection Unit at (405) 521-2029, (918) 581-2885 or PublicProtection@oag.ok.gov.

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